肯尼亚恐怖袭击幸存者讲述惊魂一刻(图) ——小男孩勇敢保护妈妈 恐怖分子心生怜悯2016新建二中光荣榜

来源:互联网新闻 时间:2020-05-02 04:46

新华网8月24日电 据英国《太阳报》报道,一位英国的四岁小男孩在肯尼亚购物中心勇敢面对恐怖分子,并对他说:“你是个大坏蛋。”他有幸逃过一劫。


Elliott Prior





Amber leads Amelie and Elliott













You’re a bad man

Brit boy, 4, to terrorist

Brave ... massacre survivor Elliott Prior, 4

A FOUR-year-old British boy survived the Kenyan shopping mall slaughter after standing up to a terrorist gunman and telling him: “You’re a very bad man.”

Amazingly, the fiend spared brave Elliott Prior and even gave him Mars bars.

Last night the grim toll in Nairobi was 62 dead, including six Brits, 170 injured and 63 missing.

Kenyan soldiers said they were “clearing” the western-style Westgate mall and the three-day siege was in its final stages. But some terrorists still remained inside.

Elliott, of Windsor, Berks, showed astonishing courage when men armed with AK47s stormed the mall on Saturday firing at non-Muslims.

He was protecting his mum Amber, who had been shot in the leg.

Safe ... wounded Amber leads Amelie and Elliott from mall

As a gunman approached he shouted: “You’re a bad man, let us leave.” The brute took pity on Elliott and his sister Amelie, six. And after giving them the choc bars he let them escape with their mum, saying: “Please forgive me, we are not monsters.”

Film producer Amber, 35, also scooped up two other kids, including a wounded 12-year-old boy whose mother had been murdered, and pushed them outside in a shopping trolley.

Dramatic photos of Elliott — in an “I Love NY” T-shirt — coming out of the mall with Amelie and Amber were flashed around the world. Distraught Amelie was also snapped standing over a dead body as armed cops laid siege to the centre.

The family, who live in Nairobi, had been on a routine shop in a supermarket.

Horror ... Amelie and body

Amber had briefly left her children with her trolley by the till and dashed off to get a bottle of wine when the killers, from al-Qaeda affiliated group al-Shabaab, burst in and started shooting.

She ran back through fleeing shoppers to reach her kids.

Elliott’s uncle Alex Coutts, 42, said: “They had a lucky escape.

“The terrorists said if any kids were alive in the supermarket they could leave. Amber made a decision to stand up and say, ‘Yes’.

“Then Elliott argued with them and called them bad men. He was very brave.

“The terrorists even gave the kids Mars bars.”

Amber revealed one said they only want to kill Kenyans and Americans.

She added: “He told me I had to change my religion to Islam and said, ‘Do you forgive us?’ ”

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